Camp America is one of the best experiences young adults can do. Read how to get Camp America jobs from the UK or Europe.
As a student at University, I longed to travel the world and experience the sights and sounds of different countries. America drew me in with its bright lights of NYC and historic towns. So I went about looking for ways to get over there and explore. To start with I thought about the Disney Program (where you could work in Disneyland for the summer) but then remembered my dislike of rides. I then came across Camp America and decided to apply. 6 months later I was on my way!
The following year, I shared my tips on getting a USA Summer Camp job with some friends who then got themselves jobs and headed off to work at camps. I am by no means an expert on working at or with summer camps but here is some advice and information for those hoping to get a place at a USA Summer Camp.
Don’t forget to read about a typical day working at Camp America.

Applying For Camp America Summer Jobs
Tip 1 – Choose a company
There are various different companies based in the UK and around Europe that offer opportunities for you to get positions in USA Summer Camps.
Camp America is the company I went with as they have a great reputation and made the whole process incredibly easy and stress-free, plus flights are included in the cost. However, it is probably one of the most expensive programs and salaries can be pretty low at camp depending on what role and what camp you are based at.
Friends of mine have used Camp Leaders which has similar perks to Camp America but also has a lower starting wage.
When I went camping back in 2011, Americamp had only been around for a year but since then, they have built up their reputation as a popular choice. Costs to apply are relatively low (around £200) whilst wages start higher than most (£800+) however flights aren’t included, hence the low costs to apply.
Tip 2 – Create an amazing portfolio
For the majority of these programs, you are asked to set up an online profile on the company website. Include an engaging photograph of yourself to show you are a happy and friendly person – no sulky, grumpy faces!
Think about the skills that camps want to hear about, including those skills like horse riding, archery, football, etc – Camp will love these. But also think of the personality traits needed to survive a summer at camp.
Time Management, tidiness, teamwork, energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to give anything a go – are key traits you need to talk about in your portfolio. Some companies allow you to include a video for your portfolio which I would greatly advise you do.
If I am honest, I didn’t do a video and was fine to get a position at camp but it won’t hurt! Again, think energy and enthusiasm!
Tip 3 – Get emailing
Now this one is a bit random and isn’t a well-known thing to do but I gave it a go and it worked! I used the company website to find a list of the camps that would be attending the recruitment fairs in the following weeks.
I browsed the camp websites and directly emailed those camps that I liked the look of, expressing interest and attaching a CV.
A camp emailed back, set up a Skype interview, and then asked me to come along to the recruitment fair which was a few days later. I went along, and met briefly with the Camp Director who offered me a job!

Camp America Recruitment Fair
Attend the Recruitment Fairs – From January to March, Camp America runs Recruitment Fairs in the UK’s major cities. These are the best way to get a job at camp because over 200 camp directors attend and are looking to hire people on the spot.
Before you go:
You can attend the fair without having a Camp America interview but it is best to do this first so that you can get into the fair earlier than others.
Then book a place for the fair online and arrive early as queues form around the building!
What to wear?
Smart/casual clothing is fine for the fair, remember you are interviewing for a camp where you will spend most of your time in shorts and a top. But bring layers; you will likely be queuing outside the building for some time.
Be prepared:
Bring plenty of copies of your CV and if you haven’t managed to email camps directly then make sure you have a list of camps you like the look of.
Once in the main recruitment hall, head to the camps you like the look of that have the shortest queues – you don’t want to end up waiting for hours to speak to somebody. Remember that you can use this fair to show off your personality but also be a little more selective with the role you are looking for, location, and start date.
Most camps will have a list up on their stall of the roles they still have available so make sure you know what type of role you can do. Not sure where to go? There are plenty of staff members around the fair that will help you find the camp you are looking for or will direct you to a stall with roles that suit you.
Prepare a short speech – I call this my elevator speech but think of 2-3 sentences that summarise who you are and what you can bring to camp.
What if I am offered a job?
If you are offered a position here, you should only accept the role if you are 100% sure you want to take it. You are then taken through to a processing room to secure your placement.

Camp America interview
Either before your recruitment, during the fair, or after the fair, at some point, you will have a Camp America interview.
The main aim of these interviews is for you to demonstrate that you are open-minded, enthusiastic, and energetic. You will also need to demonstrate your love for working with children; highlighting any experience you have had – even if it is with family members.
These are the types of questions you may be asked and some tips on how you may want to answer!
Why do you want to work at a camp and be a camp counsellor?
The answer to this is personal but make sure you mention a passion for working with children and an interest in working abroad. AVOID commenting on partying or traveling – they do not want people who will be going out every evening off or anyone who is only there for the travel opportunities.
What qualities do you have that you feel are important to have in camp?
Again, share your skills but remember they will be looking for energetic, open-minded, organized, professional, and a great team player. Also, make sure you demonstrate your independence, especially if you are a younger applicant.
Give an example of scenario when you have had to deal with a stressful situation?
Talk about a personal experience and spend time sharing how you dealt with that situation through patience and communication.
Tell us about your work with children?
Even if it is only family members, give as many examples of experience you have had with children and what you have learned from that.
Do you enjoy working as a team?
Always yes – and again, give an example.
Do you prefer to work alone or with others?
Generally, you will be working with others most of the time whilst at camp. You need to demonstrate that you can work with others over long periods of time.
Did you make your bed this morning?
Sounds like a strange question but at camp, you are sharing a room with colleagues and often children. Camp directors want to know that you can keep your place organized and tidy.
Tell us how you would teach x?
If you are applying for a specific role, such as art or dance teacher, then you will be asked how you may teach this subject.
How may you deal with a child missing home?
Share ideas you have but you can also mention finding activities that the children love doing and giving them more time to try these, helping the child develop friendships with their group and take each day as it comes.
If a child is misbehaving at camp, how might you handle it?
Give examples of how you would motivate a child to take part, how you would praise a child when they are doing well and listening and how you would treat children fairly.
What would you do if one of your campers refused to do an activity with the rest of the group?
This depends on your activity but think about ways you may be able to motivate a child to join in or ‘baby steps’ to join in. For example, I taught dance and I would encourage children to join in by changing the music to their favorite songs, dancing in small groups with that child, or asking the child to help me teach something.

Camp America summer jobs – know before you go
Funds – It is costly to apply and process your application so make sure you save before you think about applying.
You will end up about £600 out of pocket; covering your visa, flights, insurance, DBS check etc before you go.
However, you do make around this much back depending on your role at camp, just don’t expect to earn a fortune.
Do your research – Most camps are on the East Coast and vary greatly. I was fortunate to be based in Long Island with lovely and polite children and parents who tipped well, but friends have ended up at religious camps or camps with difficult children and not enjoyed their summer as they had hoped. That being said, working in these camps can be a thoroughly rewarding experience but do your research before applying for individual camps.
Be flexible – If you really want a job at a summer camp then you need to be flexible about what type of camp you want to work for, where the camp is and the role you will have. Sports leaders who run football and basketball are full of applicants so be happy to take on roles that you may not even have that much experience in!
I am a dance teacher and took a drama instructor role as the dance instructor role was already taken. A girl from my camp was a fishing instructor and had never fished in her life!! Talk about learning on the job.

Persevere – friends of mine didn’t get a role at a summer camp until June, a few weeks before they were due to leave. Keep using the company website to find vacancies at camps and email them directly. Often, people drop out before they leave or during their first week or so at camp, so don’t give up and persevere with the job search.
Good Luck! Remember to have fun and explore the USA after your camp experience!
Been to Camp or applied this year? Comment below to share your experiences
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